We can advise you on the appropriate septic tank to suit your home and family requirements. We can also help you to plan the optimum site for the tank, pipe-work and percolation area, taking into account land drainage, and surrounding
My garden is water-logged around the percolation area after heavy rain. What can I do?
The percolation area should be able to cope with the normal outflow from your septic tank plus normal rainfall, but in times of heavy rain, this might be put under stress. There are various factors involved. Too much rain water
Can you install large treatment plants for example in factories or schools?
Yes, we can install large or multi-chamber sewage treatment systems to suit the volume requirements of schools, public halls and facilities, factories and agricultural sites. We have already worked with a number of local authorities on public sites and commercial
My septic tank is backing up toilets and causing odours?
There are many reasons for backed up toilets. It could be a blockage, broken pipe-work causing additional water to enter the system, or non sufficient out flow from the septic tank. If you are continually experiencing any of these problems
De-sludging your Septic Tank
Over time a septic tank will become full of solids and will need to be emptied ‘de-sludged’. This usually means getting a professional de-sludging service to come and empty out the tank for you. If your sewerage system is starting
I haven’t registered my septic tank with my local authority. How can I get my system certified?
All owners of septic tanks are required to have their septic tanks registered with their local authority. That’s just the way it is. In all likelyhood, a number of people will not have registered for reasons of their own, but
My septic tank has failed it’s inspection. What can I do?
If you have had your tank inspected and it has failed to comply with the EU wastewater treatment codes of operation, give us a call and we will be able to advise you and conduct any required remedial works on