Rainwater Harvesting Systems
The Bio Pure Tech Rainwater Harvesting System has the following benefits:

How much water do we use? Can we really save money?
With water rates now an unfortunate reality, a household can still save 50% of water consumption using a rainwater harvesting tank, reducing your water bills.
A family of 4 consumes on average more than 150,000 litres of water per year, the majority of which is for non-drinking purposes (see chart opposite). Studies show that 55 per cent of domestic treated water could be substituted for rainwater while a staggering 85 per cent of water used for commerce and industry does not need to be of drinking standard.
Check out some of these facts on Money Guide Ireland.
While there is an initial cost of installing a rainwater harvesting system, this will easily be recouped and quickly begin to save money over its lifetime. Rainwater can be safely used for a variety of non-potable purposes including flushing toilets, running washing machines, cleaning cars and watering the garden. It is also invaluable for agriculture and industry - two of the largest water consumers - where it can be used for factory cooling systems, cleaning vehicles and equipment, and for irrigation.

Why Rainwater Harvesting Makes Sense

Bio Pure Tech’s Rainwater Harvesting Solution. How does it work?
The Rainwater harvester is an environmentally friendly system that collects, siphons and pumps rain-water, allowing the clean water to be used domestically in your toilets, showers, baths, washing machines, car washing and irrigation systems, which represents the majority of our water usage.
The system can also provide huge cost savings in the provision of water for agricultural or commercial usage in factories, for example for cleaning equipment or vehicles, cooling systems and irrigation. Take a look at the 6 steps of rain water harvesting below.

Rainwater Harvester Installations